Aset Hetep has been a student and practitioner of Kemetic Spirituality and African Traditional Religion for over 30 years. She studied directly under Ra Un Nefer Amen at the age of 17 in Brooklyn, NY and later studied with other teachers within the Ausar Auset Society in Atlanta. She was also a practitioner and initiate of Yoruba, which she still honors today.
Aset Hetep was a temple initiate of Shetaut Neter for 14 years and has studied directly under the direct tutelage of Sebai Maa (Dr. Muata Ashby). She is a Tjf Neteru Yoga Basu (Certified Instructor) and Shetaut Neter is her primary Kemetic Spiritual Foundation. She was also a Ra Sekhi Arts Temple initiate where she earned her Kemetic Reiki Snt (Certified Kemetic Healer) and Sebait (Certified Master Teacher) Certifications. She has studied the Ancient Kemetic Healing Arts, Ra Sekhi under the direct tutelage of Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet. Some of Aset’s other spiritual studies include Dahn Yoga where she practiced under Master Kim in Duluth, GA and Qi Gong as taught by Ra Un Nefer Amen.
In 2018, Aset Hetep opted to leave Corporate America, as a Senior IT Security Engineer in order to practice and promote Kemetic Spirituality full time. In addition to Information Technology, she also has majored in both Culinary and Psychology and utilizes aspects of both fields of study to help bring healing and light to others.
In 2020 Aset Hetep released the Arat RA Reiki Healing System. Arat RA Reiki is a mystery system and therefore is not fully shared with non-students. Arat RA Reiki is a form of Kemetic Reiki designed to engender a systematic and measurable approach to mind-body-soul healing. It employs ancient Kemetic philosophy and wisdom that teaches how to live a life of virtue that aligns us with the positive vibrational frequency and power of RA (The Supreme Divinity/Creator).
Aset Hetep was honored in Nigeria by the Igbo High Priesthood of the Godian – African Traditional Religious group as a Queen and Exalted Teacher for disseminating Ancient Kemetic Spirituality and Healing teachings in Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria.
“I believe that no one present day Kemetic Tradition holds all of the keys to Ancient Kemetic Spirituality. My Ab (heart/mind) is open and therefore I am able to receive the blessings and jewels of all the resurrected and intuited pieces available today. This has been the source of my own soul Resurrection.”
~Aset Aakhut M-Ra Merri Ra Hetep