Shemsu RA promotes MIND-BODY-SOUL Healing through the use of the Arat RA Kemetic Reiki Healing System. Arat RA Kemetic Reiki is an ancient healing modality that can be traced back to Ancient Kemet (Nubian Egypt). Arat RA Kemetic Reiki utilizes the life-force energy to help restore energy balance and natural order to the astral body which includes the 7 primary energy centers and the aura (personal energy force field). It is understood within the practice that energy balancing and healing can bring about physical, mental and spiritual healing. Kemetic Reiki healing is sustained when the individual learns how to correct the internal programming that led to the imbalances in the first place. Therefore, Arat RA Kemetic Reiki enjoins energy healing with the necessary wisdom teachings and instructions needed to bring about sustained mental and emotional healing. When the person who receives the healing utilizes both the mystical and practical aspects of the healing system, he or she develops the ability to take ownership over his or her own ongoing healing process. This process helps to resolve the complexes that obstruct the true essence of the soul (sustained love, joy & peace) from manifesting. Resolving the complexes and removing the obstructions gives rise to the manifestation of one’s Highest-Self.