Thank you for visiting us! Shemsu RA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Organization dedicated to helping spread Divine Light, Love, Peace, Wisdom, Harmony, Order and Equanimity (MAAT) throughout the world. We seek to do this through the following four pillars of service:
1. Youth Self-Esteem and Perspective Building Programs
Shemsu RA has a strong focus on cultivating higher consciousness in children and young adults. We seek out and create opportunities to interact with young people in order to expose them to the tools needed to develop self-awareness and evolved consciousness. Tools such as educational materials across a variety of platforms in addition to classes and workshops are used to encourage positive self-concepts.
2. Spiritual Cultivation Programs
Shemsu RA also has a keen focus on spreading Ancient Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality – it is actually the foundation of all that we do. We believe that it is our job to resurrect AND intuit as much as we can from our Ancient Kemetic Past and use it to infuse healing and Maat into the present. We lived in peace and harmony (Maat) for well over 10,000 years in the past hence we have the power to do it AGAIN!!! Seek after and follow the Divine Light / Ra-Rt Within!
3. Community Upliftment Programs
Shemsu RA loves working with and in the communities most challenged due to a lack of social equanimity. In any capitalistic society there will always be poor, underserved and underprivileged people. In order for someone such as, Oprah Winfrey to have well beyond what she needs in any one lifetime, others must not have enough. The foundation of capitalism is greed. Even the greed in the hearts of the poor that gives them hope in one day becoming rich helps to sustain systems void of equanimity. Shemsu RA works within the community to help change ideals, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that create obstacles to individual, collective and planetary well-being.
4. Global Social Harmony and Equanimity Programs
In recognizing that social harmony and equanimity is needed across the globe, Shemsu RA seeks out and creates opportunities to bring programs and tools to help elevate the consciousness and lives of mentally, physically and spiritually oppressed people wherever we can on this plane

How do we define higher consciousness and self-awareness? The chart below shows the different vibratory frequencies that humans vibrate on. We currently live in a world that as a collective vibrate primarily on the lower end of the spectrum. Higher Self-awareness and consciousness is simply defined by living and vibrating on the higher end of the spectrum.

Through the cultivation of higher consciousness our youth will make the world of tomorrow better for not only humankind but the entire planet!